Swampfoot wouldn’t be possible without volunteers! We need volunteers for all aspects of Swampfoot from help with registration, parking, obstacle safety officer, finish line duties, and just about everything else!If you are volunteering in the morning please make every attempt to be here by 7:30am. Use the main driveway to the farm off of Rattle Run like we have in the past years. The new driveway off Gratiot will be utilized for spectators and Swampfooters. Please make every attempt to carpool as parking is limited.
When you arrive, head to the volunteer tent located at the entrance to the event area. You will get your instructions for your assignment there as well as pick up your volunteer t-shirts. Please wear these t-shirts while volunteering for the day. Our volunteer coordinator will pick you up for relief breaks during the day, however coordinate in your group as able. The volunteer coordinator’s contact information will be available at volunteer check in. Camping is available Friday July 12th and is free for any Swampfoot volunteers and their family. See the camping page on Swampfoot website for camping details, www.swampfoot.com.
Here is a list of items to bring for the day
if available:
- Water
- Bug Spray
- Sunscreen
- Chair if needed
- Umbrella/tent
- Cell phone
- Portable radio for music at the obstacle you are working
- Change of clothes/appropriate dress for weather
- Snacks- We will have pizza available and will make every
attempt to bring it out to all the obstacles, but it may not be
available when hunger calls.
If you are unable to attend for any reason please reply by email ASAP. Thank you again for helping us out with this great event. We look forward to having you out here and having a great time!!
Team Swampfoot
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the 2019 Swampfoot please fill out the following form.